Re: Recommened Tape Backup software

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On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Les Mikesell wrote:

On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 21:53, Julian Underwood wrote:

I'm pretty frustrated with Tape Backup software at the moment.  I simply
want an easy to use/install, program which will allow me to backup my
server to multiple DLT tapes.

I tried BRU, and it worked OK, but it's not free, so I couldn't restore.
I checked out Networker from Legato, and it seems a bit much for a
single server--which is also not free.

Could someone recommend a good backup software which can handle this
task?  I understand that Amanda is quite good, but doesn't support
appending to multiple tapes "out of the box."
I use cpiotool, it's simple, it works across multiple tapes, and it works 
over ssh. it's also relatively easy to do baremetal recovery from it's 

Amanda can use multiple tapes.  It just can't split a backup of a single
filesystem or directory across them.  If you can break things up in
chunks so the biggest full run will fit on a single tape it
will work. looks interesting, but I haven't used it.  I've
pretty much given up on tapes and use backuppc to back up to online disks now.

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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