Re: NTFS issue

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Martín Marqués wrote:
El Jue 30 Jun 2005 16:50, Yogen Mankikar escribió:

Thanks for the help guys,
Just FYI, adding "user" option to fstab did not work but "umask=000" did work.

Sorry, but you have to have done something wrong. Putting user in the optios IS the way to deal with this. Check my vfat windows partition that I'm mounting as a normal user:
Hi, Guys
I think someone is confusing "user" (which allows a user to MOUNT the device) and "umask=000" (which controls the default permissions for new files and folders). I have had problems with USER, myself (e.g. on a USB ZIP drive), so I bagged it and SU to mount a disk. I have never run into problems accessing a drive as a user once it has been mounted. IMHO "umask=000" is NOT a goodness, since it means that new files or folders will be created with an access mask of 777.
Gordon Keehn

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