Re: Missing xorg-libs error when I try to install gnome software devel

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Thank you for your fast reply.
What I need to type in to install everything for Gnome software development.
yum install gtk+ will install all the package I need??
I am just starting out with gtk+ so I don't want to miss any package and run into pitfall later.
TYhank you

On 06/29/05 at 10:52 AM you wrote:
 Am Mi, den 29.06.2005 schrieb Laszlo Antal um 19:36:

 > Sorry! So FC4 and I try to install it from CD with Gnome->System
 > Settings->Add/Remove Applications.
 > and the error I get is::
 > ___________________________________
 > Package error:
 > ___________________________________
 > Unlocatable package | Required by
 > xorg-x11-libs       | xorg-x11-xfs
 > xorg-x11-libs       | xorg-x11
 > ___________________________________
 > Thank you for your help
 > Laszlo

 O, you better forget that tool ;/
Seriously, use yum to install additional packages. There is btw. already
 an xorg-x11 update out for FC4. And for the case you have no online
 connection you can copy all the CD content into one place on your hard
 drive and use localinstall with yum.


 Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG 0xB366A773
 legal statement:
 Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp
 Serendipity 19:48:23 up 4 days, 2:40, load average: 0.15, 0.13, 0.10
Laszlo Antal

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