Re: java -solved

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I don't manage to build a java rpm for fc4 from the rpm-skeleton of and source from Sun ( I can't figure out how to adjust the spec-file. Has somebody on this list built this rpm succesfully? If so, how? What changes have to be made in the specfile to make it work? I wonder why the rpm isn't simply being created when I carry out the instructions on (, since the only reason the nosrc-rpm has been built is to make an rpm out of it together with the source from Sun. Perhaps I am doing something wrong here. I know I can install the bin.file without creating an rpm, but for obvious reasons I prefer the rpm.
Worked for me without making any changes to the spec file.

All I used were:
java-1.5.0-sun- (from jpackage site)
jdk-1_5_0_03-linux-i586.bin (from Sun site)

Finally I found out what went wrong. I must confess that I downloaded the wrong file: jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin instead of jdk-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin!
Building the rpm was easy now. Thanks for all your reactions.

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