On Monday, Jun 27th 2005 at 19:48 +0530, quoth harshavardhanreddy mandeepala: =>hi =>i am using linux fedora core 3. =>i want to access usb memorystick as a non-root user. =>i can mount and umount as a root,but when i want to do it as a "guest"(non-root) =>it is giving as a "only root can do it" => i have changed the ownership of /dev directory to "guest" but still =>it is giving same error. =>even i added these fallowing lines to my /etc/fstab => =>/dev/sda1 /mnt/usbstick vfat noauto,user,umask=000 0 0 => =>still it is giving same message as a only root can do it. =>so =>If u know the solution plz mail me to hvreddy1110@xxxxxxxxx I don't know the solution to your problem, but also add noatime to your fstb entry. You only get a limited number of writes to a stick and if every ls command updates the accesstime then you're using it up faster than you might think. -- steveo at syslang dot net TMMP1 http://frambors.syslang.net/ Do you have neighbors who are not frambors?