Re: various missing packages in FC4

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[=Jorge Boscan Etura=] wrote:
same history here, somehow i managed to install synaptic via yum then
i installed fresrpms-release from dag's or livna's repo (dont
remember) and with it installed everythin else, totem is broken thou,
at least in my rh8->rh9->fc1->fc2->fc4 box

2005/6/22, Amadeus W. M. <amadeus84@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Besides pan, which now everybody knows, where did gv and gtkam go?
Is there a replacement for gtkam? Or do I leave my pictures on the camera?

Also, what's the scoop with mixing repositories? I'd really like mplayer,
transcode, dvdauthor, ffmpeg, but the only place I can find them is If I can't get these from 3rd party repositories, can
there be non-fedora, but fedora-compatible multimedia repository?

And what's up with apt?

A few insights:

I'd be shocked to find livna carrying the freshrpms-release rpm. Must have been dag, since they cooperate quite closely.

Recently I installed the Smart Package Manager ( and /finally/ figured out what I was doing wrong. Apt, yum, and other PM's routinely and implicitly give you a channel to the installed base of packages on your system. Smart, being a "universal PM," does not--so you have to /tell/ it where to find your installed base. Fortunately, that's not too hard: you add a "channel" to "RPM Installed Packages."

Once you do that, you add channels for all your yum repos, and other channels "Mirror information (up2date format)" for all your mirror lists. Then you rank your yum repos ("RPM metadata") in order of priority. I set base, updates-released, extras, livna, yjl-noarch, yjl-i386, jpackage-generic, and jpackage-fedora to the highest priority. Then I can add freshrpms and dag at a slightly lower priority, and at-stable at a still lower priority. That way, packages don't break one another with conflicts.

Since I fixed Smart (actually I got the tip from its creator after reporting a problem), I haven't had a lick of trouble with it, and I find that it even works faster than yum or apt. Just one thing: on FC4, you have to install it from source. Dag and Axel have not yet rebuilt smart for FC4. (They must be still working on their repos!) Anyone out there who can tell me how to write a decent .spec file for building my own RPM for smart, please share, or at least share a good link. (I recently got into RPM building, when I wanted to install Java in a manner consistent with the FC4 release notes. has some excellent advice on how to set up a secure RPM build environment and how to get started with RPM building.)

Beyond that: Livna has a version of MPlayer, but I found it broken. So I made an exception for MPlayer and gave FreshRPMS version the highest priority.

ffmpeg and the others should be on livna. If they aren't--well, get smart (as in smart pm) and configure it as I described above, and you'll have safe access.

Basically, you don't want to put freshrpms, dag, at, newrpms (if they /ever/ get their act together; last time they didn't get their FC3 directory set up until April), or dries (not ready yet last time I checked) on the same level as base, updates-released, extras, and livna. If you do, you'll break things--as I know only too well. But with a pm like smart, you don't have to worry about it. Set them up with a lower priority, and they won't conflict with same-named packages on the main ones. (And I must say that extras is looking better all the time.)

Totem has always been broken for DVD's. I have that as an active issue right now with BugZilla. Why don't you install vlc and its gui package? /That/ works--and even loads the DVD menu when you open a disc.

gtkam is obsolete. Now, when you plug in your camera or card reader, it automatically mounts as a USB file system. So you work with your pictures in Nautilus, using Nautilus to transfer or delete them.

Extras should have apt--I'm sure I saw it there. I haven't seen synaptic in awhile, though.

Finally, if it was formerly in base or updates-released and now it isn't, then it's probably in extras or is now superseded. Extras is configured by default in FC4 for yum, and I wouldn't hesitate to use it.


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