I updated to FC4 last night. I'm using the RH up2datewith http://mirror.hiwaay.net/redhat/fedora/linux/core/updates/4/i386/ as my mirror.
When I click on "Launch up2date" it comes back with "There was a fatal error communicating with the server. The message was:
An HTTP error occurred: URL: http://mirror.hiwaay.net/redhat/fedora/linux/core/updates/4/i386/headers/header.info Status Code: 404 Error Message: Not Found
It seems that it is looking for a "headers" folder that doesn't exist in the FC4 updates as it did in FC3. I can't locate where I need to edit this.
You missed to search for this issue in the list archive of the last few days. Use the /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources.rpmnew file as the repository format changed and up2date has to reflect that. You old sources file has obsolete entries.
I have the same trouble with up2date. Everytime I launch it I am asked to activate it. Then I can launch it and I receive the same error code.
I only have one /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources file, no ...sources.rpmnew file. I added yum url's in order to make it work, but this was not very succesful.
The file looks like this:
/$ cat /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources
### This describes the various package repositories (repos) that up2date will
### query for packages. It currently supports apt-rpm, yum, and "dir" repos.
### Format is one repository (repo) entry per line, # starts comments, the ### first word on each line is the type of repo.
### The default RHN (using "default" as the url means use the one in the ### up2date config file). #up2date default
### Note: when a channel label is required for the non up2date repos, ### the label is solely used as an internal identifier and is not ### based on the url or any other info from the repos.
### An apt style repo (the example is arjan's 2.6 kernel repo). ### The format is: ### type channel-label service:server path repo name #apt arjan-2.6-kernel-i386 http://people.redhat.com ~arjanv/2.5/ kernel
### Note: for apt repos, there can be multiple repo names specified (space ### seperated).
### A yum style repo. The format is: ### type channel-label url
yum fedora-core-4 http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/4/$ARCH/os/
yum updates-released-fc4 http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/4/$ARCH/
yum-mirror fedora-core-4 http://fedora.redhat.com/download/up2date-mirrors/fedora-core-4
yum-mirror updates-released-fc4 http://fedora.redhat.com/download/up2date-mirrors/updates-released-fc4
#yum my-favorite-rpms http://my.local.domain/fedora/linux/core/$ARCH/
### A local directory full of packages (a "dir" repo). For example: #dir my-favorite-rpms /var/spool/RPMS/
### Repo Metadata # Note that setting this makes up2date look in /etc/yum.repos.d/ for # repository configuration. # type channel-label url repomd fedora http://fedora.redhat.com/
# Multiple versions of all repos except "up2date" can be used. Dependencies # can be resolved "cross-repo" if need be. / Does this look allright?
Another funny thing is that up2date seems to be confused about the fedora-version when it shows the channel information.
For instance the channel-information of the fedora-unstable channel says:
so it is thinking I am running fc2 instead of fc4.
Can somebody please help me on this? Yum is working fine so I can get updates, but I allways found the up2date alert-icon very practical.