A7N8X Deluxe w/ Athlon XP 2700+ Homebuilt system
Woke it up from sleep - and it rebooted. Thought it might be a power flux or something. While booting, went elsewhere - came back and it was off. Pressed reset switch and watched - bios was claiming it was an XP1500 and was over frequency.
I had remembered that happening way back when I built the thing, and I had to change a setting in the bios it get it to see the cpu properly as an XP2700+ and boot.
Anyone heard of anything like this? Seems the bios forgot its settings. If it was a mac I would suspect bad pram battery ...
Funny you should mention this. I had a monitor failure a few weeks ago and had to reboot and I ended up with the same message the odd time. I never thought much of it as the monitor problem was #1 priority. I have the same board as you. I am going to check the ASUS WWW site for a bios update before anything else.
I am about to put a new UPS on the system so I will check it as well.
-- Robin Laing