Mail version 8.1 6/6/93. Type ? for help.
"/var/spool/mail/root": 47 messages 47 new
>N 1 root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wed May 18 08:13 29/1103 "SMART error (OfflineUncorrectableSector) detected on host: Anar"
N 2 root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wed May 18 08:13 29/1106 "SMART error (CurrentPendingSector) detected on host: Anar"
N 3 root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thu May 19 02:03 26/989 "Cron <root@Anar> /usr/bin/yum -y upgrade"
fseek: Invalid argument
panic: temporary file seek
You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root
I am not worried about the particular messages being shown; I understand what is going on there (I get SMART messages whenever I reboot the machine). My concern is that I can't get into root's mail.
-- A. Rick Anderson