The burner is an atapi compatible burner and in earlier kernel
incarnations needed the hdd=ide-scsi parameter on the grub.conf kernel
line or as an append parameter in lilo. I'll get some system output for
the next message I send on this subject. I can tell you now that the
drive without hdd=ide-scsi line in grub.conf requires dev=ATAPI:0,1,0 on
the cdrecord command line with -scanbus if it's recognized at all.
Unfortunately attempting a burn with atapi mode in effect just produces
error piles and coasters. Changing speed has no effect on error reduction
either. When this was working with earlier kernel versions I had modprobe
ide_scsi; modprobe sg; modprobe sr_mod; in /etc/rc.d/rc.local and was able
to talk to the cd burner with /dev/sr1.