All right, everyone:
What is the best repository mix for FC3 and the upcoming FC4, that will best serve the goals of:
1. Avoiding dependency breaks, package conflicts, and the like, and
2. Making available the widest variety of applications by a means other than going to every one of those programs' home sites, downloading the rpm, and running
rpm -Uvh
Instead, I'd like to be able to type
yum -y install
apt-get install
without getting a message of:
libwhatever in package conflicts with libwhatever in package
Error: Broken dependency
I've been mixing dag, at-stable, and extras, and I suspect that I'm creating more problems than I thought I'd solved. Right now I'm looking at a red-dot throbbing screamer because clamav is available for update on at-stable but won't install because of a package conflict with an earlier package from the fc3 official repo.
And I haven't been able to use synaptic since atrpms published a new version of apt.
I realize that I might not be able to get this sorted out until FC4 comes out and I just do yet another clean install. But this time I don't want to create any more dependency or package conflict problems.