Message: 14 Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 12:00:54 -0400 From: James Kosin <jkosin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: cron jobs not being run To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx> Message-ID: <428B66B6.20601@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Saurabh Barve wrote:
| Hi, | | I am running FC2 here. There are a number of cron jobs in | /etc/cron.daily - makewhatis, webalizer, | chkrootkit,freshclam,squirrelmail, tetex, yum, etc. However, when I | see the Cron report, only the yum jobs is being reported as run. | Some of the cron jobs, the chkrootkit one for example, are set to | send an e-mail to the root account, but I never get one. | | Why am I not seeing any reports/logs being generated from these cron | jobs? | | Saurabh.
Most cron jobs only produce output if there is a problem that needs attention. What happens, is that stdoutput and stderror are directed to an email. If the output is blank, ie. no output is generated by the command, then cron disregards sending an email.
James -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
iD8DBQFCi2a2kNLDmnu1kSkRAmdIAJ4obwqQamwOz9LVn/Xu32/pBF79PgCfXoD6 +mQlqvVHWSrgjDpxivays/M= =ZSzA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Well, that is strange because the clamscan cron job for my machine is set to scan the mail folders of all users for all users, and e-mail output to root:
clamscan -r /var/spool/mail 2>&1 | mail -s "ClamScan Output" root
and I don't get any reports in my cron logs. However, when I run clamscan on the same directory on the command line, it shows 4 files as being infected. That is a problem that needs attention. That is an output that I would like to know.
Maybe something wrong with the command in the cron file?
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yours is to work. The results will take care of themselves" -- Swami Vivekanad --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Saurabh Barve sa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (970)491-7714