Trevor "TeC" Christian wrote:
Gustavo Seabra wrote:
On 5/9/05, Charles Li <cli168@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had to shutdown using the power button. At the next
boot up, it asks me to do a hd check, which I missed.
How do I tell it to do a hd check after this?
Charles Li
Sometimes it happens to me too. I think the time it gives us to click
on the right key is too llittle. If I'm not with my finger already
there waiting, it just passes and i never get the chance to ask for
the check.
Is there a way to increase the time it waits for the response?
Another alternative that crosses my mind is to somehow rearrange the
situation. That is, is it possible to make it check unless you press
the appropriate key?
When you ending your session type into terminal as root: touch /forcefsck
This wil run fsck automatically on next boot.
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