On Thu, 5 May 2005, Globe Trotter wrote:
To check modem functionality, minicom. To actually dial up an ISP, system-config-network, and the GNOME modem lights applet. These control connections using wvdial.
Thanks again! But system-config-network does not have an entry for Dial-up. Does that mean the hardware is not being detected?
You probably need to be runing slmodemd when you start system-config-network or configure other tools. Remember, it's slmodemd that creates and destroys /dev/ttySL0. Then click New and Modem, and it should detect. If not, click Hardware, then New, then select Modem.
-- Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences mjs AT clemson DOT edu http://www.math.clemson.edu/~mjs