I tried to reproduce a similar behaviour with and Abiword.
PDFs created through are readable when the text is blackend (copying, pdftotext, pdftohtml). It does not matter which way one is creating a PDF.
PDFs created through Abiword ("Create a PDF document" in the printing menue) are absolutely unreadable when a passage is blackend. No copying, no pdftotext, no pdftohtml works.
I myself have sometimes to blacken names (not high-security, just lists of students), and I always created PNGs to do that. Knowing that Abiword can do that through PDFs might be very conveniant.
That might be a feature to keep Abiword. At least: it's quite noticable and it's in the media right now.
-- Regards Markus Huber
PS: Sorry, it's late and English is not my first language, so I am not shure, if the grammar of my text is very correct.