Hi folks -
Over time RPM seems to collect duplicate packages for one reason or another (interrupted installs, hoarding, who knows), causing unpleasantness at update time. Here is a short script that issues a list of packages which are not only duplicated, but are older (by install date) than the newest duped package (which is not printed).
rpm -qa --last >/tmp/timeorderedpackagelist ; olddupes=; allpackages=`rpm -qa --queryformat "%-30{NAME}\n" | sort`; baddies="`q= ; for i in $allpackages ; do if [ "$i" = "$q" ] ; then echo $i ; q=xxx ; else q=$i; fi ; done`"; baddiesnokernel=`echo "$baddies" | grep -v kernel | grep -v gpg-pubkey`; for i in $baddiesnokernel ; do echo $i; grep ^"$i"-[0-9] /tmp/timeorderedpackagelist | cut -d' ' -f1 |/tmp/dupelist; first=1; for j in `cat /tmp/dupelist` ; do if [ -z $first ] ; then olddupes="$olddupes $j"; fi; first=; done ; done ; echo $olddupes;
(The script needs to be all one line, despite what thunderbird has done to it)
The issued list is suitable for feeding into rpm -e to give your constipated package database a serious colonic irrigation, without actually removing any packages. I suggest you review the output against rpm -q packagename and satisfy yourself that the list is looking good before hitting it with rpm -e, but it has worked great on a couple of machines here and I hope it is useful to others bedevilled by the package duplication problem.
If there's a better way to do this, by all means reply with it since I couldn't find another way to do this without using apt-get.
- -Andy -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org