Why do I have to reboot to change DVD/CDs? This is driving me crazy! It works sometimes, then all of a sudden it refuses to unmount, refuses to eject, tells me that it is already unmounted, or any random combination of the above. I resorted to the old paperclip which made things worse! I try umount -f /dev/cdrom, umount -f /dev/hdc nothing, it reports that it is not mounted, and sometimes that it is busy.....AAARRRGGGHHH! I am runnimg FC2, KDE, and automount turned off, fstab reads: /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0 This is a ying-tong DVD rom, which works perfectly otherwise, and works fine under windows. I have tried to remove the entry in /etc/mtab, this seems to totally lobotomise it! Please help, itś getting close to HAMMER TIME!!!!! Is there a ¨blitzkreig¨ command that will drop EVERYTHING related to CD drives and just spit them out or something. Why do we have to be slaves to our computers, surely when we press a button, we should get a result, not have to wait for the system to grant us the privilege of itś attention! Let the revolution commence comrades ;) Regards........Kev :) Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies. http://au.movies.yahoo.com