On Monday, Mar 28, 2005, at 15:40 US/Central, akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
This is not really an answer to your question but we have a RH 9 NIS server and FC2 clients. Periodically ypserv just goes away. We have a crontab script that checks on the server if ypserv is running every minute or so and if it has stopped it restarts ypserv. It would be more of a pain but you could do a similar thing with ypbind on the clients.
Yes, we've also seen NIS (ypserv) go down on the RH9 machine. I like your work-around of using crontab. Although using crontab to restart the service doesn't address the root of the problem, it cures the symptom, which is good enough for our needs.
BTW, here's how I created a cron job to check on ypbind on FC1. As root:
mkdir /etc/cron.minutely
cd /etc/cron.minutely
cat <<EOF > 0-ypbind.cron
{ ps -p $(cat /var/run/ypbind.pid) ; } >& /dev/null || /sbin/service ypbind restart
exit 0
cd ..
cat <<EOF >> crontab * * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.minutely EOF
service crond restart
We also could not find out why ypserv is stopping.
Bummer. But it's somewhat comforting to see that I'm not the only one who has experienced this.
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