Hi all!, Does anybody know a good English-Spanish/Spanish-English dictionary (or French-Spanish would also be good) for Linux? One that is a good as diccionarios.com on the web! I'm also looking for something like aspell Spanish or something that has to do with dict where I could check fairly rapidly the spelling of Spanish words. Pointing me to such resources would be most appreciated. ;-) Thanks a lot. -- Cheers, Didier. ------------ Didier F.B Casse | PhD candidate | LiMiNT Beamline Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS), 5 Research Link, Singapore 117603 Email: elprodigioREMOVE_THIS_ANTISPAM_MOJO@xxxxxxxxx| Web: http://ssls.nus.edu.sg | GPG Key 1024D/B3C57D01 2004-06-23