You did not follow the instructions carefully enough.
Changing directory to /etc/init.d and running "mysql" is not the same as running "mysql" because the "current directory" is not in root's path. So you have run /usr/bin/mysql instead of /etc/init.d/mysql
If you want to run something in the current directory, be explicit about it:
# ./mysql start
This stops the search of directories in your path and runs the file from the current directory (".").
Thankyou I have learnt something of linux here.
But when I looked in /etc/init.d/ the file 'mysql' does not exist, although I found the file 'mysql' which I then started and then went to check the services:
[root@spr1-derb3-3-0-cust203 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start Initializing MySQL database: [ OK ] Starting MySQL: [ OK ]
I think that was a typo in the original instructions, which should have read "/etc/init.d/mysqld start" instead of "/etc/init.d/mysql start"
Unless, that is, those instructions referred to a differently-packaged version of mysql that had an initscript called "mysql"...
[root@spr1-derb3-3-0-cust203 ~]# chkconfig --list .... mysqld 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off ....
Is it correct that the service reports all OFF?
This means that the mysql server is not configured to start automatically at boot time.
Use "/sbin/service mysqld status" to see if it's currently running.
Use "/sbin/chkconfig mysqld on" to have mysqld start automatically at boot time.