David Curry wrote:
Bob Goodwin wrote:
Erik P. Olsen wrote:
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 14:10 -0500, David Curry wrote:
Bob Goodwin wrote:
Jack wrote:
Audacity on this computer acts about the same as your Gnome
sound-recorder, looks like it's trying to record but
nothing ...
I think Gnome sound-recorder crashing is a separate problem
here. I would like to remove it and reinstall. Can anyone
tell me which RPM it is in?
Bob Goodwin
I've tried several things with rpm, Bob, but have not been able to
come up with the rpm package that includes gnome-sound-recorder.
Yes I had the same result, thought it might be part of the
gnome audio rpm?
But now I see that "arecord" does not seem to work either as
mentioned and if I understand what I've read it is required
by alsa? "aplay" works when I feed it a .wav file.
Bob Goodwin