Maybe I should have provided a few more bits of info...
Out of the box full FC3 install has the chrooted files are linked back into the non-chroot location which is /var/named. Webmin will work with it and see it as long as all files are linked back to /var/named. Which is the way it is until you add new zone files then one needs to manually locate them to the chroot location and link the files back out. All works well.
Currently my DNS server is working very well, but I can not control it with the 'service named ....' or Webmin. I can modify it with Webmin, but not stop or start it. It requires a reboot to take up the changes. All files are standard out of the box installation except for my added in zone files. This also was working without this start & stop issue up to yesterday afternoon, but not working well with the other clients on the network. I fixed a couple of things and somewhere along the way it broke. Guess I need to go backwards in the configuration and work my way back out of it to see if it starts working with the tools again. Dig and nslookup both work fine with this too.
I have one suggestion to look at the rndc.key portions of the configuration which I will do this afternoon.
This is good advice. Make sure that /etc/rndc.conf is a link to the one in your chroot, and that /etc/named.conf in the chroot "includes" /etc/rndc.conf