Re: updating with yum (was: Need help: X GUI objects invisible)

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Jonathan Berry wrote:

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 08:36:26 -0500, Bruce Elliott
<belliott4488@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'll try to track down the latest X11 and verify that it has the
necessary fix. But, regarding SuSE - installing would be a pain,
especially if it required clobbering and then reinstalling Fedora, but
doesn't the fact that my SuSE installation had worked correctly on this
machine indicate that it included the required version of X11? Is there
any way I might be able to get just that from the SuSE CDs? Maybe it's
more trouble than it's worth ...

A simple "yum update" will go out to the internet and grab the
necessary packages. It will also update your entire system, which is
highly recommended as a lot has gone on since FC3 was first released. It will take a while to download and install all the packages,
especially if you have a slow internet connection. This also assumes
you have installed the gpg keys that you need. Something like
rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY*
should do the trick, I believe. This is probably the easiest way to
get the updated packages.

That sounds like a good idea. I've been using apt on my Red Hat machine, so I'm used to that. Does yum work along the same lines? I had to set up apt the first time so that it pointed to the right URLs for rpm repositories and so forth. Is there a similar process for yum?

Can you point me to a how-to page or a FAQ on using yum?

If you just want to update X11, you might
try "yum update x11" and see if that works to get X working. You'll
need to do a full update at some time, though. This just might get X
working so things are a little more convenient.

I'll probably try to do a complete update, since this is a fresh install, and I don't really have anything to lose, except a little time. If I do run into trouble, then maybe I'll try just updating X, especially if there's a good GUI front-end for yum that makes life easier (?). apt has Synaptic, but I never really use it.

To answer your questions about getting the packages from SuSE, in
general, SuSE rpms will not install and work right on other distros
(sometimes not even other versions of SuSE).  There may be exceptions
to this, but they would be rare, and anything as complex as X11
probably would not be an exception.  Besides, the SuSE package is most
likely older as Fedora tends to stay on the cutting edge.


Okay, I was ready to ditch the SuSE idea, anyway.

BTW, I would have thought as you did, that SuSE would be less up-to-date than Fedora, but after all, X did work with this video card, which is why I'm assuming that this release (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8) has the more up-to-date version of X, at least.

thanks for the help,

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