Bill Gradwohl wrote:
Interesting idea. However. What if something goes wrong in the chasis, for example, power surge, all teh HDD's go? no?Arthur Pemberton wrote:
What's the best solution for an unattended backup medium for a Linux server? I was looking at a USB externall HDD - but seems to me that the HDD would have to be turned on for the backup to done. I also looked at a Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution, but these started at $250.
Any on the cheap ideas compatible with FC3?
I put a second drive in the same chassis and just rsync whatever I want from the primary drive to the "backup" drive. I'm not concerned with fire, flood or tornado destroying the whole box. Should anything happen to the primary drive, I'd install a new one, bring up an O/S and move back whatever I needed from the "backup". Cheap solution.
If you need a disaster recovery solution which means off site storage of the backups, then a USB drive could be your "backup" drive utilizing the same technique.
You could even swap between a few external drives so that you have a USB drive in use, one on the shelf, one in the safety deposit box, one home, one in the car, etc. Get as crazy as you like. :-)
The prob I have I have with the USB solution is that it requires user intervention.