gkrellm was showing the CPU temperature within a normal level 60-70oC at the time of the freeze.
Do you mean Fahrenheit or Celsius? 60 to 70 C sounds pretty hot to me. I thought it was 60 to 70 F was typical?
My 5150 is 45C at idle. First fan comes on at 57C, second fan comes on at 62C. Under load, the machine will peak at 70C and then drop back to 60-64C.
So your options are to run with acpi off. Does that present any issues?
I can run without ACPI. However, I don't think that I can run with HT with ACPI.
Are there any bug filed against acpi?
Any reasons for ACPI to fail for this machine given that it was OK for FC1?
Should I be looking to recompile the kernel with debug/logging to try and get to the bottom of this?
Thanks, Peter.