I've got a new box here with a nForce 4 based Gigabyte K8NF-9 mobo, an Athlon 64 3200+ and PCIE-E 6600GT. Had to get it up and running quickly today, and only had the i386 build of FC3 at hand (and not enough bandwidth to get the x86_64 isos within time), so I've installed that. I also read on the web that there was some problems with this motherboard/CPU/PCI-E combo and the x86_64 which was another reason for installing i386 for the moment. Anyway, how should I proceed to update this box later to the x86_64 based distro? I've separated out /home on a different partition, so I guess I could just reinstall... (?) Is there a more preferable way though? For instance, could I mount the new iso images and have yum do an "arch upgrade" (or anaconda for that matter)? Thanks, -- Tarjei