today I checked the time on some servers and found that they differ by a couple off minutes. Without teh ntpd running a "ntpdate gaugin" syncs the clock.
All servers are configured using one timeserver using ntp. The clients use
The Relay ntp server uses public servers.
I've reed the "http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/TimePrecision-HOWTO/ntp.html"; and "ntpq -p" on two clints is:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
gaugin.filmakad .INIT. 16 u - 128 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
on one client:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
gaugin.filmakad 16 u - 1024 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
The server:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0) 10 l 55 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.008
+nic1.belwue.de ntp1.belwue.de 2 u 697 1024 377 2.687 0.518 0.343
+news.belwue.de nz11.rz.uni-kar 2 u 738 1024 377 2.374 -0.747 0.188
*dns4.belwue.de hora.cs.tu-berl 2 u 697 1024 377 2.173 -0.530 0.205
What could be wrong?
Götz Reinicke -- Götz Reinicke IT Koordinator - IT OfficeNet
Tel. +49 (0) 7141 - 969 420 Fax +49 (0) 7141 - 969 55 420 goetz.reinicke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Mathildenstr. 20 71638 Ludwigsburg www.filmakademie.de