Gain Paolo Mureddu wrote:
Joel Stookey wrote:
I am running a workstation FC1 installation on a dial-up connection and want to connect ntpd to a server for a time correction. I think I have it worked out except for how to assure that UDP port 123 will open for it and it appears I have to tinker with ipchains or iptables, something I've never had to do. Nmap reveals that the port is not presently open. If the procedure isn't fairly simple, can someone point me in the right direction?
I appreciate any suggestions you can make.
Thank you.
Just open up Applications->System Configuration->Security Level and add the following in the space where you can write:
That will open the ports 123 in TCP and UDP mode... Apply, restart the iptables service (system-config-services or Applications->System Configuration->Servers->Services) look for the iptables service and restart it or issue (as root) /sbin/service iptables restart.
Note that ntp uses ONLY udp; therefore I would change this to 123:upd WARNING: I don't actually use that firewall configuration tool, so I haven't tried this.