Chadley Wilson wrote:
I have looked around on Googs and got a whole lot of noise about flacky
sound. Well I have a funny one here, I hope some one can guide me
through a fix.
The very first mp3 I play plays. (that would be using xmms with alsa oss
esd etc..) the second one jams up the sound, so if I let track 1 play to
the end and auto start track 2 or if I double click track 2 , I hope
that makes sense to you as it does to me.
If I then try to play an mp3 or system sounds its almost as if it hangs,
not the PC just sound, if I adjust PCM or MASTER in gnome volume control
it crackles.
And then even restarting sound services does not help.
What I find super strange is yesterday it was fine. and apart from a few
docs worked on nothing has changed on my system.
I have also booted it with knoppix and sound is perfect.
How can I proceed to diagnose the problem?
Thanks for any responses in advance.
What's your soundcard brand and model? It looks to me that your card is
missing HW mixing in the ALSA drivers. If in case of an on-board card,
please state which.