1. create the new partition and format 2. mount the new filesystem somewhere. (mount /dev/hdXY /mnt) 3. copy all the files from old to new cd /home cp -a <username> /mnt
Now it gets tricky, because once the filesystem is mounted you cannot remove the old files from /home
4. logout, and log back in as root (you need to not have any files in the /home being used) 5. edit /etc/fstab and create a line to mount the new filesystem at the chosen location (/dev/hdXY /home ext3 defaults 1 2) or equivalent. 6. delete all the files in the original /home (rm -rf /home/username 7. mount the mew /home mount -a 8. verify it mounted properly mount 9. logout and log back in as your regular user and you are done.
Note that if you have more than one user in /home, the cp command in step 3 and the rm command in step 6 will be required for each user.
Also note that it will be a good idea to use the du command to confirm what size partition is required before you create it. (du -s /home)
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the assistance. I was able to move things around and re-mount the new /home with no problems. In the end I may back things up and do a fresh install on a new partition on this box, but this was a good learning experience. Thanks again!