Dear all,
I'm trying to access with dd or readcd a random session on a multisession CD, but it turned to be frustrating and annoying.
I know, I can do a "mount -o session=N /mnt/cdrom", but it's not exactly the same: it seems to mount all sessions till the N-th, not just the N-th.
What I usually try to do is
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=imageN.iso bs=2k skip=$PREV count=$COUNT
where $PREV evaluates to the starting sector for the N-th session as shown by "cdrecord -toc", and $COUNT is the difference between the starting sector for N+1-th session and the starting sector for the N-th session given by "cdrecord -toc".
This way I almost always get an "I/O error" from dd.
Any hint?
-- Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D. ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY Tel. +39064989509, Fax +39064059302