On Wednesday 29 December 2004 9:27 pm, Nifty Hat Mitch wrote: > My current strategy is to use yum/up2date to download ALL the new rpm > files that apply to my system. Then I use rpm tools to look at the > change log. Example: > > rpm -q --changelog -p ./xpdf-3.00-3.6.i386.rpm | less That's what I do when I don't have access to emails sent on the fedora-announce list. However, wouldn't it be great to see the latest changelog entry on up2date? When you run up2date and you get the list of packages available..when you click one you'll see the package description at the bottom. Wouldn't it be great to have another tab there? The main one showing the package description and a second tab showing what's the update for (probably the last 3 or 4 entries in the changelog). I noticed there'a s "View Advisory" button there that never shows anything at all (perhaps it is exclusively used for RHN). Anyone knows? Jorge