I'm having a problem with MySQL authentification with apache (for protected folders).
Now i'm using a thing like this :
<Directory /var/www/html/prive> AuthName "Espace Privé" AuthType Basic
AuthMySQLUser fdfdsfds AuthMySQLPassword fdsfdsfds AuthMySQLDB auth AuthMySQLUserTable users AuthMySQLNameField user_name AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd AuthMySQLGroupField user_group
require group fdsfds </Directory>
But i have 10 folders to make like this then i'm searching for a solution which is more simple... Have you ?
I have a second problem. For adding people in my auth database, i'm using PHPMyadmin and i make a SQL query but i need a more simple web interface to do this.. it exist or not ?
Thanks !
PS : Sorry for my BAD english but i'm french
begin:vcard fn;quoted-printable:S=C3=A9bastien Bisoglio n;quoted-printable:Bisoglio;S=C3=A9bastien email;internet:bsebastien@xxxxxxxxxx tel;cell:079 776 32 68 x-mozilla-html:FALSE url:http://www.bisol.fr.st version:2.1 end:vcard