Hello, when printing webpages from konqueror, the font of the printout is too small to read. Does anybode know how to fix this? fc3 kde-3.3.2 ghostscript-7.07-33.0.3.kde cups-1.1.22-0.rc1.8 By the way, since upgrading from fc2 to fc3 I have several ps/pdf generating problems. Under fc2, I get pdf- files from my scanner with the following lines: convert -page a4 PNM:infile.pnm PS:outfile.ps gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=outfile.pdf -dBATCH \ -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 infile.ps But since fc3, I could not build a pdf-file from the previous generated ps-file any more. It seems to me that this ps-file is something like "broken". Also this ps-file could not be previewed by konqueror, but KGhostView shows it correctly. ImageMagick- ghostscript-7.07-33.0.3.kde Maybe there's a connection between this postscript problem and the one with konqueror's printout? regards Olaf