I'm running FC3 on an HP7280 laptop which has an Nvidia GoForce 5600 video card. I've downloaded and installed the Nvidia drivers and all the basic functionality works fine. However, I've got 2 issues: 1) I use multiple kernels: 2.6.9-1.681_FC3, 2.6.9-1.681_FC3-smp and a custom kernel. Right now every time I change kernels I have to re install the Nvidia drivers. Is there an easier way to do this ? Is it possible to install an Nvidia driver that works with multiple kernels ? 2) Using the custom Nvidia driver means one can't use system-config- display. I would like to start using a second monitor and next week I need to output to the TV out. It looks like every time I change the video setup I have to edit xorg.conf. Is that correct ? Is there an easier way ? Is there some way to allow system-config-display work with the custom Nvidia drivers ? Thanks in advance. -- Kim Lux, Diesel Research Inc. I am a Canadian caucasian male. Lux is German name.