Thanks for the feedback John
I had a look at Clark Connect, but they don't really have anything to offer me. I am attempting to build a cheap Samba file server with large capacity and reasonable redundancy. Throughput isn't an issue, and I don't need any services other than Samba on it.
I can't justify forking out for a new piece of hardware, but have a bunch of components that will do the job if I can get them to play nicely.
From you reply I take it that IDE controllers that use a Promise HPT (HighPoint?) chipset are supported by Linux. Is that the case?
Regards, Langdon
John Summerfield wrote:
On Monday 06 December 2004 11:12, Langdon Stevenson wrote:
I am attempting to build a file server using a Pentium II 400, for my home office.
For software, I recommend you look at Clark Connect - It's a compilation of Linux software aimed at your needs and contains software not included in FC/RHEL.
I want to build a RAID 5 array for data integrity. I have four 160Gig Western digital hard drives, and a couple of spare IDE controller cards that I would like to use. The controller cards are the issue.