Matthew Miller wrote:
On Sun, Nov 28, 2004 at 04:11:25PM -0500, William M. Quarles wrote:The problem is Fedora is it's not moving fast enough and adding enough packages. The fact that 3-4 people can deliver what they can't is preposterous.
Join us or we'll start reproducing your software in your place anyways. Does this not scream arrogance, bureacracy, and monopoly to anybody else? Does this not seem very Microsoft-ish? Can you actually expect
There's been a lot of discussion about this. The points the page makes are real, and declaring their answer "Microsoft-ish" isn't constructive. Do you have an alternate *solution*?
They really need to take a hard look at this. I should;d not have to go to kde-redhat, Dag Wieers, FreshRPMS and NewRPMs get to software (which is compiled for Fedora) for Fedora. I should be getting it from Fedora......
Well, I would if they offered it....
In the meantime if Fedora is being blatant about ensuring their incompatibility with the above named repositories (as many accuse them of being) then they need to stop that nonsense too.
Fedora should encourage, not discourage users.
Honestly, the only reason I'm not using SUSE right now is because Fedora is the only distro I could find that managed a release with the latest GNOME and KDE. Most distro can mange one but not the other (for some reason).
On a related note, I'm an oddball who actually likes *both* GNOME and KDE..