On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 00:19 +0000, David Fletcher wrote: > It has occurred to me that there must be a better way to distribute a package > of software such as Fedora Core, so I thought I'd post my thoughts and see > what others think of them. > ... > So how about the Fedora team giving this idea some thought? Don't pack > everything into ISO files. Create the next Fedora distribution as a single, > much smaller file, which could be put onto, perhaps, a USB flash memory > device. Like images/boot.iso and images/diskboot.img? > This device, when booted, would then load up the installer as disk 1 > of FC3 does, then perform all the information gathering functions for package > list, language, keyboard and location, partition and format the HDD, and > finally transfer all the gathered information to the HDD and set up a > yum.conf file for local mirror sites based on the location provided. > > Then reboot the machine, which automatically downloads and installs all the > latest packages from the mirrors, resulting in an immediately up to date > installation with a fraction of the download time. > > Does this seem like a sensible way to go? Does seem to be some merit to the idea of having a network install that points to an up-to-date repo with all the latest packages, avoiding the download/install of obsolete packages, not to mention all the unused ones, but then I guess that sounds a lot like rawhide. Since we already have a model, perhaps a rawhide-type rolling repo, but with stable/tested packages might be a nice idea. Could be used for either anaconda installs/updates, or yum updates. http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=140142 Phil