On Sat, 20 Nov 2004, David Fletcher wrote:
So how about the Fedora team giving this idea some thought? Don't pack everything into ISO files. Create the next Fedora distribution as a single, much smaller file, which could be put onto, perhaps, a USB flash memory device. This device, when booted, would then load up the installer as disk 1 of FC3 does, then perform all the information gathering functions for package list, language, keyboard and location, partition and format the HDD, and finally transfer all the gathered information to the HDD and set up a yum.conf file for local mirror sites based on the location provided.
I assume you've seen this:
"The diskboot.img file is a VFAT filesystem image that can be written to a USB pendrive or other bootable media larger than a floppy. Note that booting via USB is dependent on your BIOS supporting this. It should be written to the device using dd."
I'd like to see an official Fedora Rescue image for a USB keychain hard drive.