cmurtaugh wrote:
| What's the policy on posting package update announcements to | fedora-announce? Should I expect to see an announcement there for | every new update, or is it optional? | | There have been new versions of udev and kernel available on | updates-released for a couple of days now, and I haven't seen an | announcement for either one. I'm a little reluctant to install | them without knowing what changed. | | Is there someplace else I can find this information? | | Colin | | | Colin,
Most updates are placed first, then the policy is to wait a few days so all the mirrors can re sync with everything, then lastly post.
Maybe the team needs to review this policy, or come up with a better way.
The main reason for the delay in posting is usually, there is a MAD rush for everyone to get the updates when the post comes out. If all the mirrors haven't caught up, you have a lot of people screaming about not being able to get the updates.
James Kosin
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