On Monday 15 November 2004 5:22 am, Timothy Murphy wrote: > > But the .repo files simplifies things. > > Maintainers can now put together a -release package with their GPG key > > and all the .repo files, so you just install the -release package and > > go, rather than download and install the key and manually enter the > > repo info in a monolithic yum.conf. Freshrpms has already released a > > freshrpms-release package like this. > > I didn't understand this. > Could you just say exactly what commands you gave, > and perhaps the content of one of your yum.repos.d files ? 1. In a Web browser, go to freshrpms.net, find the freshrpms-release package for FC3 and download it. 2. As root, install freshrpms-release: # rpm -ivh freshrpms-release* 3. That's it. You're done. Freshrpms is now configured in your Yum configuration. Ken