On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 09:20 -0600, Satish Balay wrote: > Why do you need kernel-source? (you don't need it - if you are > compiling aditional drivers - madwifi/nvidia etc..) > I keep seeing this sentiment yet, if you look at the distributed kernel, I cannot understand how anyone would NOT want to custom compile. On one hand, the FC3 packages are compiled with the "mtune=pentium4" flag yet the kernel is distributed based on PentiumPro. Then it has the additional overhead of the generic x86 code. There are all those PCI fixes that the vast majority of people don't need. The standard RZ1000 "fix", for example, hasn't been used since Neptune and causes a deterioration in disk performance. The kernel is bloated by all those other things that make the thing "vanilla." Given the simplicity (believe me - if I can, anyone can) it seems to be worth the time and effort to recompile.