I was not in the least offended by G's use of the word "bitch" - it was funny, sympathetic and entirely appropriate.
I just assumed he was being facetious. It's a long standing fact that it's somewhat hard to convey understated humor via email, and that those who are inclined to take things literally probably will.
(It was also one-sided - maybe the guy was a real jerkwad and deserved to be dumped. Insufficient evidece.) It was not necessary to call in the Thought Police on this one.
If we get too uptight about every little seeming transgression - "That was off-topic!" "Ooh, Mommy, he said a bad word!" "Oh, my poor delicate ears!" "Hey, you could possibly interpret that to mean that he says I'm an asshole!" (You know who you are.) "Suzy stepped over on *my* side of the line!" - then we're going to need Mary Poppins to step in and show us how to be children again.
Do not make me have to consult a lawyer to post on this forum.
For Chrissake, and I don't mean that in any religious or reverent way, lighten up!
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