On October 7, 2004 3:27 pm, David Mamanakis wrote: > I have spent the better part of 2 days looking for a viable DVD player for > Fedora... Everyone here had the same advice, and I agree. The bad news: setting up yum is complicated for a newbie (speaking from experience) and hard to understand. The good news: once it's done, installing software for FC2 goes from being difficult to usually being ridiculously easy. Seriously, read the www.fedorafaq.org blurb about setting up yum and invest the time. After that, run the command 'yum install <yourpackagenamehere>' and bam! no need to even visit a web site usually. And, in answer to your question, I also went looking for a DVD player a few weeks ago and tried xine and liked it. There is a step that no one has mentioned here yet that tripped me up though. My system had no idea where my DVD player was (it's the same as my CD player). I had to do this: ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd (which creates a symbolic link from /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd so software looking for /dev/dvd knows that it's the same think as my /dev/cdrom.) Just in case you run into the same problem... -- Trevor Smith // trevor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx