Anyone know why Intel 82543 gigabit cards report lots of carrier problems? I don’t know why Intel 82543 gigabit network card using external transceiver(reported by ethtool) since it is directly connected to HP Switch with CAT-6 RJ45 network cables. Any one can explain where is the external transceiver for the Intel 82543 cards? I tried to run “ethtool –s eth1 xcvr internal” trying to set its transreciver to internal(on-board) but the operation fails silently. Please help.
In contrast, Intel 82540 gigabit cards reports no carrier problems at all, and use internal transceiver(reported by ethtool).
The following are the output of commands ethtool and ifconfig:
[root@dumbboy root]# ifconfig eth1 | grep carrier
TX packets:56944847 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:39363496
[root@dumbboy root]# ethtool -S eth1 | grep -E 'carrier|tx_packets'
tx_packets: 57027012
tx_carrier_errors: 39417377
[root@dumbboy root]# ethtool eth1
Settings for eth1:
Supported ports: [ TP ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: Twisted Pair
Transceiver: externel
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: d
Wake-on: d
Link detected: yes
[root@dumbboy root]#