Brian Fahrlander wrote:
On Sat, 2004-09-11 at 23:25, Bill Shannon wrote:
I upgraded my Fedora Core 1 system (Dell 4550) to Fedora Core 2.
What a disaster! Lots of stuff no longer works!
Try a couple of kernel options: "noacpi" and/or apic=no.
(Worked for me: it's the newer kernels.)
At first it seemed like that helped, but it only delayed the problem.
(First, let me make sure I'm doing this right. In grub.conf I changed
"options ide-cd ignore=hdd" to "options ide-cd ignore=hdd noacpi" and
rebooted. After booting the system, how can I tell that this had the
desired effect?)
I still can't login as myself.
I even set up a completely new account, no dot files, and can't login
to that account either. At best, the login process is *very* slow.
It takes over 5 minutes to display all the icons on the login screen
as it starts things up. But it never gets far enough to show me the
desktop. I have to kill gnome-session to bring it back.
Usually somewhere in the process I'll get the "Disabling IRQ #11"
message and then the network connection dies. (Of course, since
that's the IRQ the ethernet is using.) But if I had just killed
gnome-session, and I'm back at the login screen when this happens,
I can use the menus on the login screen to shutdown the system.
BTW, here's what /proc/interrupts looks like on FC2:
0: 399303 XT-PIC timer
1: 40 XT-PIC i8042
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
3: 0 XT-PIC ehci_hcd
8: 1 XT-PIC rtc
9: 0 XT-PIC acpi, uhci_hcd
10: 0 XT-PIC uhci_hcd
11: 26207 XT-PIC uhci_hcd, eth0, r128@PCI:1:0:0, Intel 82801DB-ICH4
12: 84 XT-PIC i8042
14: 12068 XT-PIC ide0
15: 1182 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
ERR: 0
One noticeable difference between FC1 and FC2 here is that on FC2
IRQ #11 includes "r128@PCI:1:0:0", which I assume is my ATI Rage 128
Pro Ultra video card. Is it possible there's something wrong there?
It doesn't seem like it since everything works fine if I login as root.
Anyone have any other ideas?
Where else should I look for clues?