Yes, it is an 845 chipset.
According to the Fedora web site, the CVS is not yet publicly available. How are you getting to it?
Thanks, Neil
This is available from the development repository for the upcoming release of FC3 being developed.
is one of the many different repositories where it is available.
There were some improvements maded for the 830 Graphics controller which seemed to fix the X crashing problem for the 845 Graphics card.
I tested this CVS version out for the next release on an 845 Graphics card machine and it ran very stable. I even cycled the screensavers for each one and no crashes experienced.
You could alternatively add this repo entry into yum or into up2date and get the new updated xorg-x11 version with any needed deps resolved taken care of.
You probably should comment out the repository after the upgrade of X is completed to give you back just the normal FC2 repositories.
I tried this CVS version out on a Radeon card also and it resolved a problem with X crashing randomly and a problem with tuxracer (as a test program) from locking up the radeon card on a laptop.
Good luck,
As a note: this improvement in the CVS version for the i830 Gaphics card messes with the 815 Graphics card. You have to change your depth from 16 to 24 in order to get this working.