Marcel Janssen wrote:
Anyone got the above working ?
I can't seem to get the mga_hal module loaded for some reason and have no clue why it fails :
(EE) MGA(1): This card requires the "mga_hal" module for dual-head operation It can be found at the Matrox web site <>
I have this module in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/mga_hal_drv.o
Why can't it load it ? (or does it simply not work with xorg ?)
Regards, Marcel
I thought all modules for the 2.6 kernel had .ko extensions?
If you're using this on 2.6 shouldn't you be using .ko modules?
Have a look at /lib/modules/x.x.x/kernel/drivers/video/matrox to see what I mean.
Regards, Ed.