can some one help me understand these few lines of code please? :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: make all -C /etc/mail -s
Run "make" silently in directory /etc/mail (see "man make")
35: else 36: for i in virtusertable access domaintable mailertable ; do
For each of the files ( virtusertable access domaintable mailertable )
37: if [ -f /etc/mail/$i ] ; then
If the file exists in directory /etc/mail
38: makemap hash /etc/mail/$i < /etc/mail/$i
Use the makemap program (see "man makemap") to "compile" the text file into a database format that sendmail can use directly.
39: fi 40: done 41: fi
End the if and loop constructs.
42: /usr/bin/newaliases > /dev/null 2>&1
Rebuild the aliases database from the text file.
43: daemon /usr/sbin/sendmail $([ "x$DAEMON" = xyes ] && echo -bd) \
This initscript has previously included the file /etc/sysconfig/sendmail, which may have set the DAEMON variable. If it did, start sendmail with parameter "-bd" (have sendmail listen for incoming SMTP mail connections). "daemon" is a function defined in /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions to start programs nicely in the background.
44: $([ -n "$QUEUE" ] && echo -q$QUEUE)
If the QUEUE variable is set, add -q$QUEUE to the parameters used when starting sendmail. Typically used to have sendmail process the mail queue every 20 or 30 minutes.
Add any optional parameters required.
45: RETVAL=$?
Set the variable RETVAL to the exit status of the "daemon" command. If the result is zero, all is well.
46: echo 47: [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/sendmail
If sendmail appears to have started properly, create an empty file /var/lock/subsys/sendmail to indicate that sendmail is running.