I'm trying to install FC2 to my 400 MHz PII (6GB Harddrive, 256 MB RAM)
First error message is
* "The Fedora Core CD was not found in any of your CDROM drive.
Please insert the Fedora Core CD and press OK to retry"*
I'm sure that the CD is good(tested). With help, I passed that point by
type linux ide=nodma at boot:
Then now the error occurs while transferring the install image
* "An error occurred transferring the install image to your hard
drive. You are probably out of disk space"*
I have a 6GB hard drive with 102 MB /boot, 5585MB /, and 510MB swap. I
chose to install the server which takes only 1000MB. And according to
the FC spec, it requires 1.1G. So I don't think I ran out of disk space.
I looked around on the internet it said type* linux allowcddma* would
help. With this options at boot:, I would encounter the first problem of
CD can't be found. Any idea would be appreciated.